
During your consultation, Blake Harris Law will learn about your needs, goals, and level of risk. Be prepared to discuss your net worth, your assets, and whether you are facing any creditors or lawsuits. If you would like to move forward with our services, you will receive an engagement agreement for legal services. All of our services are offered at a flat fee and all the costs are explained at the outset so there are no surprises afterward.

Blake Harris Law will draft your trust documents according to your specifications and needs. You will need to select the appropriate jurisdiction to establish your trust (foreign or domestic), and who will act as trustee, trust protector, as well as the beneficiaries of the trust. The team at Blake Harris Law can help you understand what these decisions mean as well as what the best options are for your situation. We can also put you in contact with some of the best professional trustees and trust protectors around the world so you can make informed assessments about who you would like to work with.

Trust Creation

Blake Harris Law will draft your trust documents according to your specifications and needs. You will need to select the appropriate jurisdiction to establish your trust (foreign or domestic), and who will act as trustee, trust protector, as well as the beneficiaries of the trust. The team at Blake Harris Law can help you understand what these decisions mean as well as what the best options are for your situation. We can also put you in contact with some of the best professional trustees and trust protectors around the world so you can make informed assessments about who you would like to work with.

Once the trust is ready, you receive a draft copy for your review. We can answer all of the questions you may have regarding the trust document, as well as make any modifications you may want. This is your opportunity to ensure your trust aligns with your asset protection goals.


Once everything is good to go, you will need to sign the trust in front of a notary. Next, the trustee and the trust protector will need to approve you as a client and sign the trust. The trustee will be in charge of managing the trust assets on behalf of yourself and your named beneficiaries. You will need to provide some basic financial information to the trustee and trust protector regarding your identity and the source of the assets used to fund the trust. Generally, a copy of your passport or other government identification and proof of domicile is required at this point.

Funding is the process of transferring assets from your own name and into your newly created trust. For this you will want to open a new bank account in the name of the trust. If you prefer, our firm can put you in contact with financial institutions in Switzerland or elsewhere that can serve your trust. Our team can also help you assign other assets such as cryptocurrency, real estate, and help you with any questions you may have during this process. Once you have transferred any desired assets into the trust, the funding is completed.


Blake Harris Law can help you ensure that your trust remains valid throughout your desired time frame as well as make any modifications to your trust documents, such as change of beneficiaries, trustees, or trust protectors. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your wealth is now safe inside an asset protection trust.