When choosing the best asset protection option for you, there are a handful of questions you should ask, especially when choosing to hire an attorney.

Legal Representation

Are you engaging with a licensed attorney at a reputable law firm?
In the world of asset protection, it’s imperative to seek counsel solely from an attorney at a law firm. Only law firms and their staff can provide privileged legal advice, safeguarding your communications under attorney-client confidentiality. This privilege does not apply to attorneys who are not working at a law firm.

At Blake Harris Law, we are a law firm founded and managed by a licensed attorney. We’ll help you create a plan that fits your needs and guide you through the process. Click here to learn more about our managing attorney Blake Harris.

Specialization in Offshore Asset Protection

lady justice and law books

Does the practitioner specialize exclusively in offshore asset protection?
Offshore asset protection is a continuously evolving field. It is not practical for an attorney to stay abreast of the changing landscape unless they devout their practice exclusively to offshore asset protection. The intricacies of offshore asset protection demand comprehensive knowledge and experience.

Professionals dedicated to this field have invested years in mastering the diverse entity options and jurisdictional nuances. At Blake Harris Law, offshore asset protection constitutes our sole focus. Click here to view our practice areas and learn more about our specialization.

Firsthand Experience with Offshore Jurisdictions

Has your attorney visited, in person, the jurisdictions where your trust will be established and where your bank account will be opened?
Understanding offshore environments entails more than mere theoretical knowledge. Genuine insight is gained through firsthand experiences, fostering valuable relationships and insights.

Attorney Blake Harris has personally visited dozens of jurisdictions, including the Cook Islands, Nevis, Belize, Cayman Islands, and Switzerland in order to deepen his understanding and develop deeper relationships with our international partners at banks, trust companies, and other law firms throughout the world.

Authority in the Field

Does the practitioner demonstrate authority through teaching, publications, or social media presence?
Expertise is often shared through educational initiatives, publications, and online engagement. Attorney Blake Harris has contributed to legal education through teaching, authored multiple books on asset protection, and maintains an active social media presence with hundreds of thousands of followers.

Here are some articles written by Attorney Blake Harris that can provide further insight into safeguarding your assets.

Testimonials and Client Satisfaction

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Are there testimonials affirming the quality of service?
Client testimonials provide evidence of satisfactory outcomes and professional integrity. At Blake Harris Law, we proudly showcase numerous video testimonials from satisfied clients. Click here to read testimonials and learn more about our clients’ experiences.

Track Record of Success

What is the practitioner’s success rate with offshore trusts?
Confidence in the efficacy of an offshore trust hinges on the practitioner’s established track record. At Blake Harris Law, as of the publishing of this article, every trust we have established has remained intact, reflecting our commitment to success and reliability.

Authentic Offshore Protection

Does the practitioner offer genuine offshore asset protection entities?
Beware of similar alternatives that may compromise your security. A trust which is not initially established offshore does not provide the same protection as a trust which is established offshore from the beginning.

At Blake Harris Law, we exclusively provide authentic offshore asset protection entities, ensuring comprehensive safeguarding from inception. We do not form domestic trusts or hybrid trusts, which lack the protection of an offshore trust.

International Partnerships

Does the practitioner collaborate with reputable international partners?
Establishing connections with reputable trustees and financial institutions worldwide is paramount in offshore asset protection. At Blake Harris Law, we collaborate with trusted trustees and distinguished financial institutions, capitalizing on their credibility and regulatory compliance in jurisdictions such as the Cook Islands and Switzerland.

Click here to learn more about trustee reliability and here to explore comparisons between asset protection jurisdictions.

These questions should be a helpful tool to guide you in the right direction when hiring an attorney for your asset protection needs.